Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Touching Base

The new arrival! An Underwood 315.
The namesake machine for this blog, my 1949 Smith-Corona Clipper. 

NOTE: More pictures will be added soon between the paragraphs. I just wanted to get this out there as soon as possible.


  1. Mousey sounds gross!!

    Personal computer in 1964? I am curious.

    This is a very readable typecast.

    1. Thank you for the compliment! Mousey is indeed gross, but works surprisingly well given the corrosion from the previous tenants' lack of plumbing. 1964 is no typo! I was floored when I first heard of it. The end product was the size of an Olivetti-Underwood Editor 2 or Correcting Selectric 3. Pretty wild stuff.

  2. Yes, very readable. looking forward to reading about the Olivetti-Underwood computer.


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